The Prospecting Done For You Blog

December 5, 2023: The Power of Communication in Sales and Society

December 5, 2023: The Power of Communication in Sales and Society

In this journal entry, I had the pleasure of sharing with my 2nd cousin what I have been working on and building. I talk through my vision for America's Holding Company, What I believe it could do and... ...more

Journal Entries ,AHCI Information

December 05, 202340 min read

November 7, 2023: The Power of Choice: Building a Unique Company

November 7, 2023: The Power of Choice: Building a Unique Company

Join the creator as they provide an update on their journey of building a business with a unique concept. They discuss their leadership meetings, decisions, and the challenges they face in getting peo... ...more

Journal Entries ,AHCI Information

November 07, 202311 min read

November 3, 2023: Explaining America's Holding Company: A New Approach to Labor Unions

November 3, 2023: Explaining America's Holding Company: A New Approach to Labor Unions

In this video, the creator introduces America's Holding Company, a unique labor union concept. He explains that this company operates similarly to traditional unions, with companies making a payment a... ...more

Journal Entries ,AHCI Information

November 03, 20236 min read

November 2, 2023: America's Holding Company: Behind the Scenes of Production

November 2, 2023: America's Holding Company: Behind the Scenes of Production

Join us behind the scenes as we take a look at the production process of America's Holding Company. From printing access cards to packaging ornaments, this video gives you an exclusive glimpse into th... ...more

Journal Entries ,AHCI Information

November 02, 20234 min read

September 24, 2023: Invitation to be a part of America's Holding Company

September 24, 2023: Invitation to be a part of America's Holding Company

In this entry, I walk through my personal strategy right now for building wealth. I talk through the companies that I am working on integrating right now, and then I invite anyone who would like to be... ...more

Journal Entries ,AHCI Information

September 24, 202322 min read

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